weavepiercer gloves. Wildpier exfoliating gloves are handmade using an ancient weaving design that allows for a gentle yet deep exfoliation. weavepiercer gloves

 Wildpier exfoliating gloves are handmade using an ancient weaving design that allows for a gentle yet deep exfoliationweavepiercer gloves  [6] An arrow of slaying is a one-use magical item

©Wizards of the Coast LLC. [1] See moreWeavepiercer Gloves are magical gloves that give a bonus to the wearer's spell attack rolls. Jewel of Three Prayers. Bertrand Bell wielded a Gambler's Blade Rapier for over thirty years. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. 49 $70. 63. Historical information. $21. This avatar fought long-forgotten heroes, and many fell to the creature's wrath. M. 00. The circlet was one of the last relics of Vilya, which Keyleth took with her from the Ashari. [2]The Dust of Tracelessness is a magical item that, when sprinkled while a group or an individual is moving, prevents potential trackers from finding evidence of their passage. ↑ Depiction of a Periapt of Wound Closure from D&D: Dungeon Master's Guide, 5th edition, p. Notable properties. The circlet grants a +2 bonus to Wisdom and Charisma and can increase those scores above the 20 maximum. Mantle of the Tempest. Jester Lavorre. Depiction of the Jewel of Three Prayers in its three forms: dormant (top), awakened (left) and exalted (right), by CoupleOfKooks from Critical. From $55. Each fragment lasts for 8 hours or until used. The Coin of the Changebringer is a holy symbol of Avandra the Changebringer owned by Fresh Cut Grass. Similar to a Vestige of Divergence, Grovelthrash progresses through various stages as it is wielded and gains new. All-Purpose Tool • Eldritch Battery • Bag of Holding • Belt of Giant Strength • Bloodwell Vial • Boots of Striding and Springing • Cloak of Disguise • Gloves of Thievery • Instrument of the Bards • Sphere of Power • Pearl of Power • Rune of Recall • Shiftweave clothing • Spell Gem • Spell kite • Winged BootsHistory. A Rope of Entanglement is a magical rope that can be used to restrain creatures within range. Notable properties. They are fingerless and rise to about the mid-forearm. It takes an action to don or doff a glove weapon. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. They then all go to hire flot goats for their journey. Gloves of Claws. [4]A Ring of Honor indicates to the wearer if someone is lying to them or telling the truth, but also if they themselves are lying. All-Purpose Tool • Eldritch Battery • Bag of Holding • Belt of Giant Strength • Bloodwell Vial • Boots of Striding and Springing • Cloak of Disguise • Gloves of Thievery • Instrument of the Bards • Sphere of Power • Pearl of Power • Rune of Recall • Shiftweave clothing • Spell Gem • Spell kite • Winged BootsTide of Retribution. Alternatively, blow the petals to create a cone of damage, destroying the rose. 99. Aurora Watch of Bazzoxan. In 812 PD, Sprigg used his Ring of Telekinesis to pick up a piece of residuum given to him by Percival de Rolo. Attached to the weapon at the top near the blade are several manticore spines. [1] A Potion of Maximum Power is a viscous purple liquid that a spellcaster can drink in order to maximize the damage of a spell. A humanoid who undergoes this ritual is called a lich; a dragon is called a dracolich. If a person spends 48 hours reading the entire book, over a period of no more than 6 days, then it will increase their Strength. It can be thrown up to 60 feet, and self-destructs upon impact. Traits and abilities. The staff has 20 charges for the following properties. The wearer can cast the Command spell (save. Using the rod as a focus, she conducted a ritual in 835 PD to sink Flora Isle beneath the waves into Sharkfeather Abyss. In addition, while they hold these sword, they have resistance to fire damage, covering them with a layer of cold that reduces the impact. " Do these gloves have the heavy or two handed property? A Shiftweave is a garment that, upon creation, can be embedded with up to five different outfits. Gloves of Bitch Slapping. A Staff of Power can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Yussa Errenis. Permits one to remain conscious and able to speak when taken to 0 HP, at the cost of dying instantly should one roll a natural 1 death save [1] A Doublet of Dramatic Demise is a garment that permits the wearer the ability to continue speaking while at 0 HP, but slightly increases their risk of dying due to a failed death save . Scanlan read and finished the tome during Vox Machina's journey through the Feywild,. The Infiltrator's Key is one of the Vestiges of Divergence. The Chain of Returning is a magical chain that attaches to a melee weapon. ↑ Depiction of a gift of an Acheron Blade, by Clint Cearley from Explorer's Guide to Wildemount pg. Inescapable Lash. Appearance. That original rug eventually lost its enchantment and was rendered a normal, non-magical rug. A multi-piece palm and TechGel padding provides protection as well as allows for natural hand movement while lifting. When the wearer speaks the command word, the cloak of the scuttling rat wraps around them, transforming the wearer into a dire rat as if using beast shape. The wearer of gloves of thievery has an additional +5 bonus to any Sleight of Hand checks and. Gloves of Ensnaring. Once used, the ring turns to dust. 5e Equipment) SRD:Gloves of Dexterity. After Clarota was killed for betraying and attacking Vox Machina, Vax'ildan grabbed the helmet and placed it on his own head. Critical role is a web show that was made by a group of popular voice actors. Twiggy. Properties [edit | edit source]. A Spell Bottle is an enchanted glass vessel that can store one spell of up to 5th level at a time. Clarota created the helmet to protect himself from being sensed and influenced by the elder brain and other illithid while they were under the control of K'Varn. A Horn of Silent Alarm is a magic horn that only one creature can hear at a time. The chest plate is inscribed with sigils and runes along the edges of the plates, and the shoulders come to points. The gloves aid those who make spells that require an attack roll. Expended. A creature to whom oil of etherealness has been thoroughly applied falls under the effect of the Etherealness spell: it transports them to the Border Ethereal, where the Ethereal Plane and their current plane overlap, for one hour, during which they can see the plane from which they came but can only interact with the Ethereal Plane. ; ↑ Luis Carazo (@Luiscarazo) on Twitter: "Ding ding ding!" (May 26, 2022) — in reply to: "Probably a belt of storm giant strength. Deals 3d6 additional damage to dragons. The gloves are fingerless and finely-crafted leather and scale gloves. 5e Equipment) Glove of Rays (3. [6] 1d6 necrotic damage to creatures that aren't undead or constructs. While holding it, you gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class, saving throws, and spell attack rolls. Wildpier exfoliating gloves are handmade using an ancient weaving design that allows for a gentle yet deep exfoliation. Using the Weave's Needle. Yes [1] Notable properties. Cosplayers Molly, Beau, Fjord, Caleb, Nott, Jester, Yasha Photography Anne Barhyte. Bracers of Archery are magical bracers that enhance one's abilities with certain ranged weapons. Properties edit. Amount. The following types of Ioun Stones have appeared on Critical Role: Ioun Stone of Reserve: The stone is a vibrant purple prism. Any creature can. Can cast blink, 1/Day. Fresh Cut Grass considered it a symbol of their. After being read, the book loses its magic for one hundred years. The Bracers of Defense are a set of wristwear that gives a +2 bonus to AC if the wearer is using neither armor nor a shield. Its cloudy green fluid smells like the sea and has a jellyfish-like bubble floating in it. Featuring a seamless knit glove and contoured rubber palm, Carhartt C-Grip gloves offer superior durability, dexterity and grip in wet and dry conditions. The Blazing Bowstring is a bowstring enchanted by Tiberius and given to Vex'ahlia that is used with her bow. Vox Machina used the Fist of Genesis to forge Prime Trammels so that they may banish Vecna from Exandria. While attuned to this dagger, the wielder can spend an action to place the point of. Once it was worn by Purvan Suul, but after his death in the Calamity he rested forever in the tomb to the west of Vasselheim, beneath a lake known as the Marrowglade Loch. . Caleb Widogast acquired it from Fjord in a trade and, after Fjord temporarily lost his spellcasting, gave it back to him. Drinking a potion of healing restores an amount of hit points that varies with the potion's potency and rarity. Hopefully, this guide to magical gloves and gauntlets. Yussa Errenis. Critical role has 2 different campaigns, Vox Machina and The Mighty Nein. The Deathwalker's Ward is a set of studded leather armor, and one of the Vestiges of the Divergence created for the Champion of the Raven Queen. Weavepiercer Gloves are a wondrous item that can act as a spellcasting focus and provide a bonus to spell attack rolls. The cloak gains a number of charges equal to the spell level of the triggering spell. Grab a sharp knife and start at one end and simply slice down the. An attuned wearer of the armor is granted resistance to one type of magical. As charges are expended, the glow dims. The Tome of Leadership and Influence is a magical book that increases the user's Charisma attribute by two points after spending 48 hours reading it within a time period of six days. Concept art of the soul anchor, shown at the fourth watch party for the second season of The Legend of Vox Machina, by Christine Bian. To attune to them, you must wear them for the entire attunement period, during which the gloves bond with your skin. Turmoil is a long, [2] silver, [fn 1] solid metal cane with a heavy ball at the top. A Potion of Scrying permits the drinker to scry on targets via the excreted potion. Description[ edit | edit source] The ring is of beautiful silver make and holds a blue gem. Owners. [7] [8] When Ariks Eshteross used Turmoil, the cane seemed to act as a. Deals 3d6 additional damage to dragons. Vex'ahlia. All-Purpose Tool • Eldritch Battery • Bag of Holding • Belt of Giant Strength • Bloodwell Vial • Boots of Striding and Springing • Cloak of Disguise • Gloves of Thievery • Instrument of the Bards • Sphere of Power • Pearl of Power • Rune of Recall • Shiftweave clothing • Spell Gem • Spell kite • Winged BootsSprinter's Boots are magical boots that allow one to move faster. Allows the wearer to leap 15 ft vertically or 20 ft horizontally as a bonus action if they pass a strength check [2] Historical information. As an action, you can speak the glove’s command word and cause it to animate for 1 minute. Percival de Rolo. Many arcane batteries powered automata, such as. Gloves of Swimming and Climbing are a garment easing wearer's movement with certain terrains. An earthboard is a magical granite plate used by the Earth Ashari of Terrah. Although it can duplicate the look of other magical clothing, it. ↑ Depiction of an onyx mastiff figure from D&D Dungeon Master's Guide, 5th edition, p. Seedling, the Wayward Pilgrim grants the. Description [edit | edit source] Appearance [edit | edit source]. [1] Poured whiskey turns to brine after 8 hours. Source: Dungeon Master's Guide. The dust was an item acquired by Vox Machina pre-stream. When activated, it makes any arrow that is fired from it ignite in flames to deal additional Fire damage. Cabal's Ruin has 4 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. He had long, delicate fingers and appeared to be young. , darkvision 60 ft. The bracers Vox Machina found were made of metal. It confers a +1 bonus and has eight charges that can be used to cast a number of spells. She wore this coat. Gain 10 temporary hit points from reducing a creature to 0 hit points. One ounce of sovereign glue can cover one square foot of material, and takes one minute to set. SRD:Gloves of Epic Dexterity. King Imathan Talviel is the last monarch of the elven city of Molaesmyr, and the current and only elf king of the Diarchy of Uthodurn as of 835 PD. The only way that this bond can be broken is by using a Universal Solvent, Oil of Etherealness, or casting the spell Wish. Graz'tchar, the Decadent End, which presents itself under the false title the Luminary Blade, is a sentient greatsword with a fragment of the consciousness of Graz'zt, the Demon Prince of Indulgence, and Graz'zt speaks through it from the Abyss. The weapon was looted from the body of a security person found in the chamber, with whom Caduceus communicated via Speak With Dead. The mace was made from the soul of the erinyes Xartaza, who alters the wielder's dreams, pushing towards actions that would recruit souls for Asmodeus. A wand of magic missiles can hold up to seven charges. It is found as various types of armor. Any whiskey poured from this flask that isn’t consumed within eight hours turns into brine. The DC to move an immovable rod is 30, and. All-Purpose Tool• Eldritch Battery• Bag of Holding• Belt of Giant Strength• Bloodwell Vial• Boots of Striding and Springing• Cloak of Disguise• Gloves of Thievery• Instrument of. Properties [edit | edit source]. It first appeared in Critical Role in "The Trick about Falling" (1x05), when. The Mighty Nein found the sword in The Gentleman's Safe House, and when Caleb Identified it, he gave it to Mollymauk. One of the Vestiges of Divergence, the hooked chains of this brutal weapon still smell of dried blood and rot from countless slow tortures and brutal executions. The shield must be activated, presumably using an action, and it prevents a wearer from taking any damage from physical attacks, spells, and other magical effects. [6]A Sword of Fathoms is a one-handed falchion. Critical hits deal additional 3d6 fire damage. The broom can be sent without a rider to a location familiar to someone who speaks its. Legendary. Vorugal (formerly) Grog Strongjaw. The wielder of the dagger gets advantantage when performing a task requiring precision. It was created by Shaun Gilmore at the request of. King Imathan is described as. Each Fragment of Possibility looks like a tiny, grayish bead of energy that follows you around, staying within 1 foot of you at all times. It changes the wearer's Constitution score to 19. The bloodwell vial from the Trove of Marwa is a small glass vial with blood in it. Once attuned to the cloak, the wearer has advantage on stealth checks, and attempted. View history. When opened and poured, this flask produces up to one gallon of dark, brackish whiskey. When you hit a beast, dragon, or monstrosity of challenge rating 5 or lower with an attack, or when you grapple it, you can use the wreath to cast dominate monster on the creature (save DC 13). The animated glove detaches from your hand, begins to hover, flies up to 30 feet, and attempts to grapple one creature of your choice within 5 feet of it, using your Strength ( Athletics) check. 5e Equipment) SRD:Gloves of Arrow Snaring. Imogen gives her the Weavepiercer Gloves, and Laudna crafts Pâté's house into a backpack using her leather belts, given to her by Delilah to make her look more like Vex'ahlia on the Sun Tree. While not as explicitly as in previous editions, magic items occupy distinct slots. Moreover, whenever the sword was summoned, a small jet of sea water was. The Dragon Slayer Longsword is a magical longsword that is especially effective against dragons . [3] Historical information. Description [edit | edit source]. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. 5e Equipment) Glove of Force (3. The circlet first appeared worn by Ulara and was owned by Scanlan Shorthalt after her death. It smelled like "ale-stained wood". Once emptied, the flask refills in one hour. Properties [edit | edit source]. Acquired: emerald-green. [1] Moon-touched blades are common items; the enchantment can be placed on any sword. Misty Step (1/Day for free) Command (1/Day for free) Shadow Touched All-Purpose Tool • Belt of Giant Strength • Bloodwell Vial • Boots of Striding and Springing • Cloak of Disguise • Gloves of Thievery • Immovable rod • Instrument of the Bards • Pearl of Power • Shiftweave • Spell Gem • Winged Boots. While wearing the clothing, its owner can speak its command word as a bonus action to transform their outfit into one of the other designs contained within it. [1] [3] [4]A Ring of Obscuring is a magic ring that creates a cloud of fog to cover its wearer. They are not magical in and of themselves, rather they represent the pact forged between a warlock and their patron Uk'otoa. Stolen: 1: bottle of shampoo: Drixlitch's bedroom: Deanna: For curly hair. It also. History [edit | edit source] Pre-stream [edit | edit source]. After the casting, the gem is destroyed; if all the gems from a helm of brilliance are removed, the helm itself ceases to be magical. $1850. Bracers of Archery are magical bracers that enhance one's abilities with certain ranged weapons. Notable properties. They eventually came into the possession of Kevdak after he and the Herd of Storms. To arm an intuit charge, a creature must make spend one minute and succeed on a DC 20 Arcana check. When they do so, the spell slots of the absorbed spell, but not the spell itself, are stored within the rod. While holding this shield, the creature gains a +1 bonus to AC, in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. Requires Attunement. The wielder also can set the weapon on fire at will. It may even. When a ranged weapon attack hits you while you're wearing them, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier, provided that you have a free hand. It was wielded by an unnamed bounty hunter until they were killed by Siff Duthar, who mounted it as a trophy in his research facility underneath what later became Zadash. The Keen Dagger is a magical dagger delivering aptly strikes. The thorns caused black, thick, sticky liquid to run from the wounds, and her eyes turned dark black. The Mace of the Black Crown is a mace, with a haft made of black iron and a head made from a ruby, and is fiendish in appearance. The wearer can use an action to cast Armor of Agathys at. Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) These symbiotic gloves — made of thin chitin and sinew — pulse with a life of their own. After Molly's death, Beau took the. Cast Misty Step, 1/rest or until wielder scores a critical hit. Two spheres were encountered by Vox Machina: one beneath Whitestone and one in the Smouldercrown Mountains of Marquet. Description [edit | edit source]. The rod can absorb up to 50 spell levels over its lifetime. A Gambler's Blade is a cursed magical sword that allows a wielder to choose a magical bonus by taking a corresponding penalty to death saving throws. A scroll or a piece of a scroll may be given to someone else, who can then write a message on it which appears on another. [2] The hammer was given to Grog Strongjaw, who initially did not attune to it. Goves of Blood Casting. Kiro was a woman in her late thirties, with jet black short hair and a scar that ran from just behind her eye down her chin, disappearing under her clothes. A spell kite is an enchanted kite that carries objects to a paired beacon stone. Requires Attunement: No. Grog Strongjaw (formerly) Pike Trickfoot. Yasha had it altered by a tailor in Rexxentrum to her personal taste and to better withstand the cold. The arrow of dragon slaying that Vex found in the ice in Rimefang 's lair was dark green, and the arrow shaft was rough and metallic. The Rod of the Solitary Scout is a magic rod found by the Mighty Nein in the Folding Halls of Halas and left in the Cyrios End Forest. Effects [edit | edit source]. This demiplane takes the form of a twenty-square-foot stone room with a throne in the center. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Description. The drinker may use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30. Edit source. Quantity. The sword has a tinge of green and ivy engraved along the blade. Can make a Ravenous Strike, unarmed strike deals additional 6d6 necrotic damage and regain hit points equal to necrotic. For this reason they are also sometimes called arcane accumulators. A creature grappled this way is. You could also use it to link together several McGuffins as conduits of power- sure, the Hand of Vecna is scary, but what if it was attached to the Infinitude Glove? Leveling Up. To attune to the hand, the creature must chop off their own left hand at the wrist and press the artifact against the stump. MartialArtSmart Twin Wushu Straight Swords. Whenever a creature is struck with a critical hit from Whisper, the target must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of the wielder for 1 minute. The Tea Set of Envenoming was a smooth golden tea set with very intricate scrolling on it. Armor of Resistance is armor that grants the wearer resistance to one type of damage. A Ring of Warding [1] is a magical ring that protects the wearer with a shimmering shield. The process of making gemstone tattoos was invented by the Ki'Nau. A creature holding one of the stones can use their action to cast Sending, targeting the creature that bears the other stone. It is small and spherical, and when it is in proximity of the. The Harbinger Training Grip Wristwrap Gloves are for the heavy lifter. Owners. Notable properties. Your Constitution score is 20 while you wear these gloves. When activated, the breastplate becomes coated in spiky ice shards,. Gloves of Missile Snaring are gloves that permit the wearer to reduce or in some cases block damage from ranged weapon attacks. Craven Edge is a sentient, thick, onyx, two-handed greatsword once wielded by Sylas Briarwood and then by Grog Strongjaw before being thrown into the pocket dimension of the Dread Emperor. It appeared more like a scavenger bird. It normally takes one action to drink a potion; however, the Critical Role games use a homebrew rule making it possible to drink one as a bonus action, although feeding one to another player still takes an action. The Sword of Kas seeks blood and the downfall of Vecna. In order to attune to it, the sorcerer using it must add a few drops of their own blood to the vial, and then cannot open it while the attunement lasts. The Bloodaxe is a magic weapon wielded by Kevdak and then Grog Strongjaw . The Dragon Slayer Longsword is a magical longsword that is especially effective against dragons . It was stolen by Birdie and Oleander Calloway, and they and Ira Wendagoth used it as a. [3] The sword has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. [4]Seedling, the Wayward Pilgrim is a magical shortsword wielded by Orym. Its most remarkable feature was that some areas of the weapon were covered in sea weed and mollusks. The effect lasts for one hour, requires an action to activate, and once activated, the generator cannot be used again until the next dawn. Price: 6,000 gold pieces. Canaith mandolin. Apparently this has been happening regularly. The Firebrand Warhammer is a magical, giant, black jagged weapon that gives its a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Description [edit | edit source]. If no creature has the other stone, the caster knows this and doesn't cast the spell. The piercer can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without. [2]Description [edit | edit source]. A creature grappled this way is. £17. [5]A Deck of Illusions is a box containing a set of parchment cards. A Staff of the Ivory Claw is a gray, cerulean magic staff topped with a small dragon claw carved from ivory. The spell engines of Avalir had twelve similarly named but much more powerful Eldritch Batteries. The smaller boat is a ten feet long, four feet wide, and two feet deep sailboat with an anchor and a set of oars as well as the mast and sail. Bonus to attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes (+1 to +3) When finishing a rest, gain temporary hit points equal to total ki points. When the wearer takes fire damage, they. A phylactery is a vessel created though an arcane ritual to bind the soul of a powerful wizard or dragon from traveling to the Outer Planes after its death. Description [edit | edit source]. The gun was similar in design to Percy's pepperbox pistol, The List. The Belt of Momentum is an "odd-looking" leather item that is described as half between a belt and a girdle. Chain of Returning. Glove of Thrown Weapons, Variant (3. Goggles of Night are magical goggles that allow the wearer to see in the dark. Within one minute after a caster drinks the potion, the first damage-dealing spell, no higher than fourth level, that they cast does the maximum possible damage. The Factorum Malleus was a weapon created with the intention of killing the gods. Fearne and Imogen discuss who would better benefit. Here is what you will find in 17 Magic Gloves: 01. [1] It flies when a rider speaks its command word. When it is destroyed, all creatures within a 10-foot radius of the bead must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. When a target that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to expend any number of the glove's charges. Laudna and Imogen then buy a new dress for Laudna. It can provide a +1, +2, or +3 bonus to spell attacks and to the spell save DC for the attuned user, depending on its rarity (uncommon, rare, or very rare). Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This glove holds 5 charges and recharges 1d4+1 expended charges each day at dawn. +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. The motes have no physical effect, but make it easy to see any effects that negate magic. The slippers permit the wearer to climb upside down or vertically at all times, rather than just for an hour; however, they cannot be used to stick to slippery surfaces. The Fist of Genesis is a magical hammer within the Core Anvil, presumably created by Moradin during The Founding. [3]The Javelin of Lightning is an intricate gold and bronze magical weapon. Soul anchor. If the attempt is successful, the target is trapped inside an inescapable bubble for an. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Quantity. I love it so much!" -Maria Koliakou, Wildpier Beauty Customer. The glue is a viscous, milky white liquid that can permanently affix two objects together. When the Javelin of Lightning is thrown and its command word ("Penelope") is spoken, it. Similar to a a Vestige of Divergence, the Blade of Broken Mirrors progresses through various stages as. Description [edit | edit source]. A full deck has 34 cards, but one found by adventurers is usually missing 1d20 minus one cards. As of 836 PD, it was kept by Yussa Errenis in his mage tower in Nicodranas . Damage Immunities: The vox seeker is immune to poison and psychic damage. As a sentient weapon, it has a Chaotic Evil alignment and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Properties. An attack made with the hammer that has a natural roll below ten is redirected against the attuned wielder. Its most remarkable feature was that some areas of the weapon were covered in sea weed and mollusks. Voice Lock: Once activated, the vox seeker must move twoards and attack the source of the nearest voice within 60 feet. On a successful save, the target is immune to the. Boots of Feral Leaping are boots which permit a sufficientally strong wearer to jump longer distances than they normally could. They are not magical in and of themselves, rather they represent the pact forged between a warlock and their patron Uk'otoa. Check. Scanlan Shorthalt. All vicious weapons, upon a natural 20 attack roll, deal an additional 7 damage of the weapon's damage type to the target of the attack. Blackwork Chloroprene Black Disposable Medical Grade Gloves — Box of 100. The Blazing Bowstring adds 1d10 fire damage to an attack roll made with the bow. It allows an attuned wielder to increase their mobility on the surface or burrow underground. The blade was left behind following the defeat at the Battle of the Umbra Hills, and the weapon now. Properties [edit | edit source]. The one bought by Grog. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. [art 1] +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. A Rune of Recall is a magic item that teleports the user to a predetermined location. It also. The Malleus Keys are three magical devices built by the Ruby Vanguard and its allies to achieve the Vanguard's goal of releasing Predathos from Ruidus to allow it to consume the gods of Exandria. When a ranged weapon attack hits you while you're wearing them, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier, provided that you have a free hand. Wildpier exfoliating gloves are handmade using an ancient weaving design. 0 1. A Glove of Blasting is a magical item that allows its wearer to cast Scorching Ray once a day. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This glove holds 5 charges and recharges 1d4+1 expended charges each day at dawn. The wearer can remain in dire rat form for up to 5 minutes per day. Add To Cart.